Which Nursing Homes in Chicago Were Cited for Violations in 2018?

Inspections are conducted on regular and as needed basis’ in nursing homes located all across the state of Illinois. The reason these inspections are done is to ensure the facility and its staff are complying with all state and federal regulations. In the event a violation is witnessed, it shall be cited so that the issue can be rectified, and the facility and its staff are less likely to allow the same type of behavior/conditions to arise again. Unfortunately, despite the fines and penalties nursing homes are up against when they fail to follow one or more rules, there are still homes that neglect to meet the state and federal standards.

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In 2018, there were several nursing homes in Chicago that received a citation for one or more violations that resulted in a fine being imposed. Below we have listed a few of those facilities along with the type of violation that was recorded.

Violations Recorded on the January-March 2018 Quarterly Report:


Symphony of Morgan Park

10935 South Halsted Street

Chicago, IL 60628


The facility was surveyed on February 20, 2018 and cited for a Type B violation. The violation resulted in a fine of $2,200 being imposed.


Quarterly Report for April-June 2018



Symphony of Morgan Park

10935 South Halsted Street

Chicago, IL 60628


The facility was surveyed on February 20, 2018 and cited for a Type B violation. The violation resulted in a fine of $2,200 being imposed.


Aperion Care International

4815 South Western Avenue

Chicago, IL 60609


The facility was surveyed on March 03, 2018 and cited for a Type B violation. The facility was fined $4,400.


Arbour Health Care Center

1512 W. Fargo Avenue

Chicago, IL 60626


The facility was surveyed on April 12, 2018 and cited for a Type B violation resulting in a fine of $2,200 being imposed.


Atrium Health Care Center

1425 West Estes Avenue

Chicago, IL 60626


The facility was surveyed on March 29, 2018 and cited for a Type B violation resulting in a fine of $2,200 being imposed.


Bria of Forest Edge

8001 South Western Avenue

Chicago, IL 60620


The facility was surveyed on April 04, 2018 and cited for a Type B violation resulting in a fine of $2,200 being imposed.


Facilities Cited on the July-September 2018 Quarterly Report


All American Nursing Home

5448 North Broadway Street

Chicago, IL 60640


The facility was surveyed on August 01, 2018 and cited for a Type B violation resulting in a fine of $2,200 being imposed.


Bria of Forest Edge

8001 South Western Avenue

Chicago, IL 60620


The facility was surveyed on July 24, 2018. Both Type B violations and a Type C violation were recorded resulting in the facility being hit with another fine, this time totaling to $4,900.00.



Community Care Center

4314 South Wabash Avenue

Chicago, IL 60653


The facility was surveyed on May 23, 2018 and where a Type B violation was recorded resulting in the facility being charged with a $2,200 fine.


Nursing Homes Cited on the October-December 2018 Quarterly Report


Admiral at the Lake, The

933 West Foster Avenue

Chicago, IL 60640

The home was surveyed on October 11, 2018 where it was cited for a Type A violation resulting in a $25,000 fine being imposed on the facility.


Beacon Health Center


4538 North Beacon

Chicago, IL 60640


Beacon Health Center was surveyed on November 02, 2018, cited for a Type B violation, and fined $2,200.


Little Village Nursing and Rehabilitation Center


2320 South Lawndale Avenue

Chicago, IL 60623


Little Village Nursing and Rehabilitation Center was surveyed on November 08, 2018, cited for a Type A violation, and fined $25,000.


The Mosaic of Lakeshore


7200 North Sheridan Road

Chicago, IL 60626


The Mosaic of Lakeshore was surveyed on October 05, 2018, cited for a Type A and B violation, and fined $27,200.


Uptown Health Center


4920 North Kenmore

Chicago, IL 60640


Uptown Health Center was surveyed on October 018, 2018, cited for Type A violations, and fined $50,000.


You can visit the Illinois Department of Public Health’s (IDPH) website to find out what other facilities in Chicago were cited in 2018 along with which codes of the Nursing Home Care Act these facilities failed to comply with.


Being aware of what is happening in the nursing homes located around you is very important if you are looking to relocate a loved one into one of these facilities or if you have a family member residing in one already. While these reports do provide insight into how some of these homes are being run, not all violations are caught. So, if you suspect the facility in which you loved one is currently living in has violated one or more rules or regulations, you can report it to the IDPH. If your loved one was harmed, whether it be physically or psychologically, by this violation, contact Dinizulu Law Group, Ltd. to speak with an experienced Chicago, IL nursing home abuse lawyer.


You can contact Dinizulu Law Group, Ltd. at:

221 North La Salle Drive, Suite 1100

Chicago, IL 60601


Website: www.dinizululawgroup.com

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