Chronic stress is incredibly detrimental to your overall health, and it can have a negative effect on every organ system in the body. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, researchers have already found a link between stress and diseases like heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and certain kinds of cancer. Now, they have started exploring the link between chronic stress and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
The American Psychological Association reports that people who care for their aging loved ones are more likely to report feeling stressed than the general population, and the stress levels they report are higher. This can increase the caregiver’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s at a later age, but enrolling a loved one in a nursing home program may cause undue stress for the resident.
There is no way to guarantee that your loved one will receive quality care at a long-term care facility. Even if nursing home administrators assure you that he or she will be in good hands, the standard of care at any given moment ultimately depends on whichever employees are currently working.
If you think a nursing home employee abused or neglected your loved one, contact an elder abuse attorney from The Dinizulu Law Group, Ltd. Call 312-384-1920 today to schedule an initial consultation with a Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer.
Can Chronic Stress Lead to Alzheimer’s?
According to Science Daily, researchers have found evidence that a hormone the brain releases in order to cope with stress increases the production of protein fragments. When these fragments, which are called amyloid beta, accumulate in the brain, they eventually clump together, triggering the cognitive degeneration that is characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientists believe that a variety of influencers contribute to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease including lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors. Although people may not have control over genetic factors, they may be able to reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s by avoiding the lifestyle and environmental factors that contribute to the disease—like excessive stress.
How Much Stress Will Lead to the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease?
Researchers may have found a like between excessive stress and cognitive decline, but everyone is unique, and there is no way to predict the rate of decline for specific individuals. If your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse, though, it is likely that he or she is at a high risk of contracting stress-related diseases.
Nursing home caregivers have a duty to provide a reasonable standard of care to residents. If they breach that duty of care by neglecting or abusing a resident, any victims or their family members may have grounds for a personal injury claim.
If you think your loved one has been the victim of abuse, turn to a nursing home abuse lawyer from The Dinizulu Law Group, Ltd. Call 312-384-1920 to schedule an initial consultation with a Chicago elder abuse attorney. Visit to learn more about nursing home abuse claims in Illinois.