If you experience a serious car accident, chances are insurance companies will try to get you to sign on an injury settlement amount quickly. This is never a good idea. When injured, you may not be able to perceive the long-term effects of the accident and this is what insurance companies want. Accepting a short-term settlement amount quickly will only leave you paying unforeseen expenditures out of your own pocket. This is not something that most people are able to afford and it often leads to financial ruin. There also may be the matter of ongoing medical care which you or your loved one will need. This is often impossible to get without fair representation in the courts from an experienced personal injury lawyer.
Head and back injuries are some of the most serious injuries that can happen in a car accident. These are the type of cases that you must have representation from a good personal injury lawyer. You need a lawyer who is experienced in litigation and will be able to able to get you the compensation you deserve. When back injuries result in severe nerve damage or even paralysis, these conditions leave people with lifelong physical issues and enormous medical bills. The average yearly expenses of someone living with severe a spinal cord injury ranges between $230,000 to over $775,000. This can amount to millions of dollars across the average lifetime. These financial costs can be ruinous to both the victims and their families without monetary compensation. Insurance companies are not willing to give this level of money unless they are taken to court.
Trucking Accidents & Serious Personal Injuries
While we often wishfully think such serious injuries won’t happen to us, they can, especially when a large truck collides with a car. Serious injuries or death when trucks and cars collide are often in the car and not the cause of the accident. The Illinois Department of Transportation reports that while only about 6% of traffic crashes in Illinois involve large trucks, these wrecks represent a disproportionate number of traffic fatalities (nearly 13%).
Illinois Personal Injury Attorneys
If you or somebody you know has been involved in a car accident injury due to collision with a large truck or other commercial vehicle, it is important to seek help from an attorney who is familiar with the tactics used by truck and insurance companies and has the knowledge to anticipate the future needs and challenges that could be faced by you or your loved one. The experienced and compassionate personal injury lawyers at the Dinizulu Law Group will work with you to determine the best way to handle your personal injury claim. Contact us to set up a free consultation with one of our experienced car accident injury lawyers today.