Every single time you drive, you risk being seriously injured or even paralyzed. And yes, this could happen to even the most careful driver. In Illinois, paralysis is among the most common personal injury when a car collides with a truck. As a result of these accidents, more serious injuries are often found on the occupants of cars rather than on truck drivers. In Chicago and throughout Illinois, injured victims face significant medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. Additionally, their family members suffer economic loss, mental anguish and the loss of companionship.
Building a Truck Accident Lawsuit
If you have suffered a life-altering injury, such as paralysis, the various provisions that must be made for your care can be much more expansive than you thought. You may not be able to handle this on your own. A life care planner and an experienced truck accident lawyer is needed to present your personal injury lawsuit to the courts.
At the Dinizulu Law Group, when we consult a life care planner, we ensure that all your anticipated needs will be taken into account. Our personal injury attorneys will confirm that the current and future medical needs are analyzed and supported across all providers. We help ensure the life care planner gets admissible evidence from medical doctors, psychologists and the entire team of experts to ensure that a judge will allow the jury to hear all parts of the Life Care Plan. The plan must include future medication, adaptive furniture, assisted living professionals, rehabilitation, transportation needs, recreational opportunities and construction modifications to the home to accommodate new realities like the need for wheel chair access, an elevator lift, and specialized bathing areas for the seriously injured.
We know if you or a loved one experiences a serious injury that you want the best personal injury lawyer on your case. We at Dinzulu Law Group, Ltd are Chicago accident lawyers with extensive experience in truck accident lawsuits and presenting complicated and individualized life plans to the courts. If you have been injured, contact us today so that we can help you navigate the complex legal processes.
Spinal Cord Injury Association of Illinois
You should also visit The Spinal Cord Injury Association of Illinois if you suffer from paralysis and live in Illinois. This is a non-profit information and support resource for individuals paralyzed by spinal cord injury and their families. You can also learn about the health care and related professionals that serve the paralysis community. Though this resource is located in LaGrange, IL, a suburb of Chicago, it serves the entire state of Illinois. Furthermore, for many additional resources, such as support groups, centers for independent living, state disability resources, and more, please visit the United Spinal Association website.