CHICAGO, IL - Early detection is vital for skin cancer, yet misdiagnosis remains alarmingly frequent. These medical oversights can lead to grave outcomes and the need for legal recourse. If you suspect a misstep in your diagnosis, a skilled Illinois cancer misdiagnosis lawyer could be your ... [Continue Reading]
Making a Personal Injury Claim Against a Landlord in Illinois for Negligence
CHICAGO, IL - In Illinois, many tenants suffer from an injury due to their landlord's negligence. This is a complex area of law that requires professional guidance to understand a tenant's right to sue for personal injury on a rental property. Landlord and tenant laws are based on old customs and ... [Continue Reading]
Can I Sue Lyft or Uber After Being Injured in a Car Accident?
CHICAGO, IL - If a rideshare accident, including Lyft or Uber, injures you or a loved one, your legal mission is to get all the compensation you deserve for your injuries. One common question is whether you can sue a rideshare service directly for accident injuries, and while the explanation below ... [Continue Reading]
Why You Should Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer in Illinois if You Were Injured
CHICAGO, IL - There are often construction projects and renovations taking place in Illinois which can lead to hazardous conditions for workers, resulting in construction accidents. Construction accidents can include scaffolding falls, falling objects and debris, equipment malfunction, forklift ... [Continue Reading]
Spinal Cord Injuries from Car Accidents: What You Need to Know
CHICAGO, IL - Severe car accident injuries can lead to spinal cord injuries and can potentially impact a victim for a lifetime. The car accident attorneys at the Dinizulu Law Group understand the unique issues that victims face when an accident results in a spinal cord injury. If you or a loved one ... [Continue Reading]
What are the Most Common Forms of Medical Malpractice?
CHICAGO, IL - Medical malpractice occurs in various ways. The more you know about the different types of negligence committed by doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, the better you can understand what happened to you or your loved one. In this article, we discuss the different types of ... [Continue Reading]
Can You Sue Someone for a Car Accident if No Injuries Occurred?
CHICAGO, IL - On average, there are more than 6 million passenger car accidents annually in the U.S. Road crashes remain the primary cause of death in the country resulting in over 38,000 fatalities annually. Can I Sue if No Injuries Happened? Injuries are the first thing you should look for ... [Continue Reading]
3 Tips for Staying Safe Around Semi-Trucks in Illinois
CHICAGO, IL - Semi-trucks account for one in seven vehicles on the urban interstate highway in Illinois, according to the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. In 2020, there were more than 9,200 crashes in Illinois that involved a tractor-trailer or semi-truck with 105 of those crashes ... [Continue Reading]