CHICAGO, IL - Elder abuse is a serious matter for which state and federal laws impose heavy punishment. It is punishable by law nationwide, and many states have special laws that enact harsher penalties for crimes committed against the elderly. You can view Illinois law and penalties for nursing ... [Continue Reading]
How to Collect Evidence of Neglect or Abuse in a Nursing Home
CHICAGO, IL - There are various ways to collect evidence of neglect or abuse in a nursing home which includes looking for signs of physical injuries, speaking with a loved one about their emotional state or ensuring their finances remain in order. The best way to investigate potential abuse is by ... [Continue Reading]
Christmas Road Trip Safety: A Comprehensive Guide
CHICAGO, IL - Christmas is one of the busiest travel days of the year, with millions of people hitting the roads to spend the holiday with family and friends. Christmas is a time for celebration; however, it's important to be aware of the potential hazards on the road. By following these tips, you ... [Continue Reading]
Medical Malpractice: The Harmful Effects of Receiving the Wrong Medication
CHICAGO, IL - Medications play a critical role in maintaining our health. However, mistakes can happen during the prescription process which can lead to potentially serious consequences. The wrong medication or incorrect dosage may create an adverse effect with long-term effects. How Do ... [Continue Reading]
Should I File A Claim Against My Own Auto Insurance Company?
CHICAGO, IL - Many drivers are concerned about filing a claim against their own insurance company after being in a car accident. In this blog, we will explore if filing an uninsured motorist claim will affect your premium when you go to renew with the company. Unfortunately, the answer is not ... [Continue Reading]
Who is Liable if Someone Runs a Red Light and You Hit Them?
CHICAGO, IL - When someone runs a red light, they normally will be cited for causing the accident. If property damage occurs, the insurance company for the other driver is likely to accept responsibility and pay the claim. However, it's important to know that if you are claiming bodily injuries as a ... [Continue Reading]
Common Thanksgiving Accidents and How to Avoid Them
CHICAGO, IL - Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family and friends, all while enjoying great food; however, it's important to be aware of the potential hazards of the holiday. Thanksgiving is one of the busiest days of the year in the kitchen, and with so much cooking going on, accidents can ... [Continue Reading]
The 3 Most Common Types of Product Liability
CHICAGO, IL - Product liability claims are an essential part of consumer protection, ensuring that individuals have recourse and compensation when they sustain injuries or suffer damages due to defective products. Understanding the various types of product liability claims is critical for both ... [Continue Reading]