CHICAGO, IL - Neck and back injuries after a car accident can vary in severity from whiplash that heals in a few weeks to an injury more catastrophic like lifelong paralysis; however, neck and back injuries are a common occurrence in road traffic accidents, and you can claim your medical costs and ... [Continue Reading]
How Long Will It Take To Settle My Personal Injury Case?
CHICAGO, IL - If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be wondering how long it will take to settle your personal injury case. It’s a common question that many people have when they first hire an attorney to represent them. The truth is that it depends on various factors. Factors that ... [Continue Reading]
What To Do As A Pedestrian Hit By A Car
CHICAGO, IL - Being involved in a pedestrian accident where a car strikes a pedestrian, can be a life-altering experience. The impact can lead to severe injuries, emotional distress and financial burdens. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), there were 4,940 crashes ... [Continue Reading]
Truck Accident Injuries: Understanding The Causes, Risks And Legal Recourse
CHICAGO, IL - A truck accident can lead to a variety of injuries, ranging from mild to severe. The physical and emotional toll of truck accident injuries including spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones can be life-altering and life-threatening. At the Dinizulu Law Group, ... [Continue Reading]
Malnutrition in the Elderly: Consequences, Causes & Nursing Home Neglect
CHICAGO, IL - Many people mistakenly believe that Americans become malnourished because they don't have the financial resources to buy food; however, malnourishment is usually caused by dozens of interconnected factors like disease, prescription medications, poor nutrient absorption, difficulty ... [Continue Reading]
Why Does a Lawsuit Take So Long in Illinois?
CHICAGO, IL - Personal injury cases and other various lawsuits can take varying amounts of time to resolve. While some cases are settled relatively quickly, others involve more complex issues that can drag out the legal process. In these situations, cases can take years to conclude. In personal ... [Continue Reading]
Can EMTs Be Held Liable for Medical Malpractice in Illinois?
CHICAGO, IL - When a medical emergency arises, we rely on the system to be there for us. But what happens when paramedics sent to aid us fail to perform their job properly? Paramedics and the city that employs them, can in some instances, be sued for their failure to locate and provide assistance ... [Continue Reading]
FDA Approved Tepezza Label Update Now Provides Hearing Loss Warnings
CHICAGO, IL - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Tepezza only three years ago, but mounting evidence shows the drug maker failed to adequately disclose all of the potential side effects. As a result, Tepezza warning were withheld from users and the medical community. In July, ... [Continue Reading]