By the time they reach the grand old age of 60, our parents and grandparents have earned the right to a peaceful retirement. They should be cared for in a safe, comfortable setting by professionals who understand their needs. Unfortunately, many long-term care facilities do not screen or train their ... [Continue Reading]
Civil Rights Law & Your Privacy: When Biometrics Use Goes Too Far
In 2007, Illinois passed the Biometric Information Privacy Act. Biometrics, as you may already know, pertain to unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, iris scans, DNA and face geometry, that help identify an individual. Facial recognition technologies have made the collection of ... [Continue Reading]
How Common Is Elder Abuse [DATA]?
The growing elder population in the United States has sparked a higher demand for nursing homes. Unfortunately, this has inspired profit-minded entrepreneurs to open retirement homes without the credentials or ethical compass to offer reliable care. ... [Continue Reading]
Personal Injury Claim: Recovery Amount Grows with a Life Care Plan
Have you heard of Life Care Planning? Some may think of it as designed to anticipate the needs of the elderly. We typically think of life care planning as a matter of wills and estates. In a personal injury action it outlines the specific losses over a long period of time. What Goes into a Life ... [Continue Reading]
What Are the 7 Most Common Types of Elder Abuse?
Nursing home residents and their loved ones expect long-term care facilities to provide reliable care in a safe, comfortable environment. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect are deplorably common. ... [Continue Reading]
Spinal Cord Injury: When You May Need a Personal Injury Lawyer
Earlier this year, hockey player Matt Olsen of the Chicago Cougars was tragically injured during a home game. Olsen, only 20 years old, is now paralyzed from the shoulders down after hitting a rough patch of ice and landing against the boards in a way that caused permanent damage. He has undergone ... [Continue Reading]
Nursing Home Abuse in America
Nursing Home Abuse in America The population of elderly Americans is growing rapidly as the Baby Boomer generation reaches retirement age and beyond, and the number of people living in nursing facilities has risen accordingly. This has led to the rise of elderly Americans suffering abuse while in ... [Continue Reading]
Divvy: New Options Bring New Hazards
Divvy: New Options Bring New Hazards Bike sharing has become a growing trend in urban transportation. Opening for service in June of 2013, Divvy was the city of Chicago’s answer to this new mobility option. With a system of close to 5,000 bicycles and 476 stations, and a daily ridership of around ... [Continue Reading]