According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 1.4 million nursing home residents in 2014. Additionally, the Family Caregiver Alliance reports that the five types of care facilities— adult daycare centers, home health agencies, hospices, residential care communities and ... [Continue Reading]
Questions To Ask a Nursing Home Administrator
Do you have a loved one that needs to reside in a nursing home? Our loved ones mean the world to us. We would do anything to make them happy including researching the best care for them. Ask staff and administrators the following questions when searching for a nursing home. The ... [Continue Reading]
The Top 5 Questions For Nursing Homes According To The CDC
The CDC or Center for Disease Control has a lot of guidelines on preventing infections. One set of guidelines involves the questions you should ask your nursing home about infection prevention. You want to become familiar with their protocols and how they handle that ... [Continue Reading]
Law Intended to Protect Elderly Might Hurt Nursing Home Abuse Case
NBC Chicago recently reported on a tragic case involving nursing home abuse and the law that might prevent the family of the deceased from attaining justice. The 88-year-old victim spent the last 10 months of his life in a nursing home and required around-the-clock care after suffering a stroke. ... [Continue Reading]
Laws That Every Nursing Home Must Follow
If you are a resident in a nursing home or you have a loved one who is a resident in a nursing home, then you need to be aware of the rights to which nursing home residents are entitled. There are a lot of rights that you receive as a nursing home resident for your protection. Let's look at the ... [Continue Reading]
Determining the Recovery Value of Truck Accident Injuries
Have you been involved in a semi-truck accident? Were you significantly injured as a part of that accident? Are you wondering how to determine the monetary value of your injuries? Let's start with a very important point: Semi-truck accidents are handled completely differently than ... [Continue Reading]
What Are the Physical and Psychological Effects of Nursing Home Abuse?
Physical, sexual and emotional abuse can all occur in a nursing home setting, and such abuse is a very real problem in the United States. According to the National Council on Aging, as many as 5 million seniors experience some kind of elder abuse annually. ... [Continue Reading]
Personal Injury Paralysis From a Truck Accident
Every single time you drive, you risk being seriously injured or even paralyzed. And yes, this could happen to even the most careful driver. In Illinois, paralysis is among the most common personal injury when a car collides with a truck. As a result of these accidents, more serious injuries are ... [Continue Reading]