The ELD mandate that went effective Dec. 18, 2017 requires truckers and commercial carriers to input their worked hours on ELDs, or electronic logging devices. An exception to this new ELD rule allows truck drivers to track their hours on AOBRDs, or automatic on-board recording devices, ... [Continue Reading]
How is Your Loved One’s Health Monitored in a Nursing Home?
When you place your elderly loved one in a nursing home, chances are they have medical conditions that need to be consistently monitored. How does a nursing home watch over your loved one? From managing medications and diet to monitoring new health challenges, how are these needs met? ... [Continue Reading]
What are the Most Common Infections Found in Nursing Home Facilities?
When individuals reach a certain age in life, their bodies tend to take much longer to heal when injured and they become more susceptible to catching an illness or disease than when they were younger. Unfortunately, many nursing homes and other types of long-term care facilities are known for having ... [Continue Reading]
What Makes the Summertime So Dangerous for Drivers?
Summer vacation will start in just a few weeks for many Chicago teens and many families will be preparing to take their long-anticipated vacations. While the summer is known to be that time of year where we can soak up some sun, spend quality time with family, and enjoy the outdoors a little more, ... [Continue Reading]
Who is Responsible for a Truck Accident?
If you were hit by a truck on the road, you might simply think that it was the truck driver who lost control and hit you and your vehicle. But the cause of your accident may be more complex and there may be much to uncover. Watch the video to learn more. When a truck crash happens, a ... [Continue Reading]
Understanding Elder Financial Exploitation and the Forms It Occurs in
Elder abuse comes in many forms, all of which you should be familiar with if you have a loved one living in a nursing home. The most common types of elder abuse include: ... [Continue Reading]
Will the Side-View Mirrors on Trucks be Replaced with a Gadget that Has Proven to Improve Trucker Safety?
The trucking industry has been experiencing some drastic changes lately including truckers required to have ELDs (electronic logging devices) installed in their vehicles. Addtionally, there has been a push for autonomous trucks. Now we are learning of yet another change that may be here sooner than ... [Continue Reading]
Los Inmigrantes Deben Ejercer Sus Derechos Cuando Están Lesionados
Al igual que muchos inmigrantes, María Belmonte, vino a este país y trabajó duro y crió a su familia aquí. Pero cuando se sintió lastimada por la negligencia de otra persona, no estaba segura de a quién recurrir. Ella estaba sin trabajo, tenía facturas médicas y necesitaba a alguien con ... [Continue Reading]