Because of the number of patients they house, large residential facilities such as nursing homes are more prone to infections and contagious diseases. But there are precautions and safety measures nursing homes are expected to know and follow that prevent the spread of disease, and can ... [Continue Reading]
Nursing Homes & Corporate Webs: A Decline in Resident Care
It may not be a surprise to hear that the business structure of many corporations is getting bigger and more convoluted. Nursing homes are no exception to this trend. But what does it mean for you or a loved one who may need around-the-clock care? Owners of nursing homes sometimes have competing ... [Continue Reading]
Vehicle Failure: A Main Cause of Truck Accidents in Chicago & Nationwide
Truck accidents often occur because the parts in the truck are not in proper working order. Laws and regulations in place require trucking companies to maintain their vehicles, conduct thorough inspections, and ensure that vehicles are safe before they get on the road. Sadly, this is not the case. ... [Continue Reading]
Truck Accidents Often Turn Deadly Due to “Underriding”
There were close to 4,000 fatal truck accidents in 2016, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. This number has been on the rise since 2009, and is expected to continue rising unless safety rules and other preventive measure are put in place. Most truck crash ... [Continue Reading]
Nursing Home Neglect – When Residents Are Kept in Isolation
When we think of nursing home neglect we commonly think of elderly residents not being provided the needed physical care such as: Repositioning, if they face limited mobility, thus leading to bed sores and open wounds Clean and changed clothes and linens, if they are incontinent or ... [Continue Reading]
What Distinguishes a Good Nursing Home Facility From a Bad One?
The latest innovations in technology have helped ensure our elderly loved ones can be safer in a nursing home facility today than what was the case a decade ago. But are all the nursing homes taking advantage of today’s technology? To distinguish a good nursing home facility from bad one, ... [Continue Reading]
Forced Arbitration & Worker Safety – What is at Stake?
It is estimated that more than half of all American workers are subject to forced arbitration clauses. When this happens, employees can either choose to keep their jobs or sign a contract in which they forfeit their right to sue the company should a dispute arise. Signing an arbitration ... [Continue Reading]
Commercial Trucker Causes Multi-Vehicle Collison in Illinois After Driver is Unable to Stop
Turns out, his vehicle was 3,000 lbs. over his vehicle’s weight limitation. The majority of commercial trucks that travel on our roadways today are essential to our economy. They transport goods to and from locations allowing businesses and other entities to operate successfully. While we need our ... [Continue Reading]